A More Intelligent Way to Fundraise
of money raised in a
Capital Campaign

comes from just
a handful
of business-savvy
Major Gift donors.
Is your team ready to answer their probing questions?
You need more than a
Fundraising Consultant
After 30 years and 4,000 conversations with Major Gift donors, I know what it takes to earn their trust.
With an MBA from the University of Notre Dame, I’ll help your Catholic school or parish fine tune its operations and address the broader issues affecting fundraising. Confident in your progress and plans, donors will be excited to invest in your capital campaign.
That means less stress for your team, deeper relationships with donors, and greater fundraising success.
Contact Mr. Jeffrey directly at 701 | 205 6366
Here’s How We’ll Do It
Identify major gift donors
Anticipate donors’ concerns
Have informal conversations with top prospective donors
Address issues within organization that impact fundraising
Conduct a Feasibility Study
Launch the Capital Campaign
Most firms start the process at Step 5, a shortcut that benefits their bottom line, not your project.
I’ll show you how thorough preparation is the key to campaign success.
Let’s Get Started
Submit the form below. In a hurry? Contact Mr. Jeffrey directly at 701-205-6366.